Thorn-Clarke hitting key wine trends for on-premise only

There are a number of different trends that are growing in the wine category, from sustainability to drinkability, and on to food friendly wines that are lighter in style; these and many other factors are driving consumer choices at the moment.

Different trends and different styles is not much of a problem for bottleshops that are able to stock a wide variety of wines and varietals, hitting different trends and so seeing good shelf rotation. It’s a different story for on-premise venues though.

Not only do venues not have the shelf space and storage afforded to bottleshops, there is also the margin/mark-up conundrum. If a consumer sees a bottle of wine in your venue for $35 and they know it costs $20 in their local bottleshop, they are much less likely to make that purchase, versus a wine they don’t know from the off-premise.

So this puts a lot of pressure on your choice of on-premise wine. You need a wine that hits key trends, that delivers on price, margin and varietal, and most importantly that delivers on quality and drinkability. Where do you get such a unicorn wine?

Well, the team at Thorn-Clarke has released a brand new on-premise offering, The Varietal Collection, currently comprising three wines which are bang-on trend, with more varietals to come following vintage 2022.

The current range includes an Eden Valley Pinot Gris, Barossa Grenache and Barossa Shiraz, all new wines just for the on-premise so you do not need to worry about those pesky price comparisons.

These are high-quality, bright and modern wines that carry the hallmark of Thorn-Clarke’s home and origins while still delivering the fun and contemporary wine experience the millennial audience is looking for.

The Eden Valley Pinot Gris is a delightfully food-friendly wine, pale straw in colour with the fresh and zesty palate that the millennial audience is loving, particularly because this is also a wine that drinks wonderfully on its own.

The Shiraz in the Varietal Collection shows the vivid purple hues that you expect in a top-quality Shiraz, and while there are hints of French oak and well-balanced tannins, what that really means is the consumer will enjoy a full-bodied wine, with great flavour and a plush mouthfeel.

These are wines that are all about being enjoyed now, they deliver on quality but they are also contemporary. These are not big, brooding wines you need to sit down and think about, these are modern, high-quality, flavourful wines, perfect for on-premise venues.

Now, another important trend, and one that’s increasingly important to venues as well as consumers and producers is sustainability. Knowing that the products you are serving and the people who are making them are working to minimise their impact on the environment matters to more and more people every day.

Sustainability is embedded in the Thorn-Clarke Varietal Collection, it’s embedded into everything this Barossa family does. The family’s history in the Barossa dates back to the 1870’s and they have every intention of ensuring the next six generations inherit a healthy, environmentally sound and sustainable wine business.

Throughout all the vineyards there are ‘moisture probes’ to monitor the soil moisture levels. These ensure that only when the soil is very low in moisture and the vines are in real need of water during the summer months, that they get a drink. And that’s just one aspect of the winery’s water management plan, which also includes water collection and a water treatment facility.

The winery and estate is accredited by Sustainable Winegrowing Australia for its sustainable viticultural and winemaking practices. Thorn-Clarke It is involved in the local Resilient Landscapes program, which is working to restore native vegetation corridors along waterways. Over the years the company has planted out over 10,000 native trees, irrigated by winery wastewater. These plantings are decreasing erosion while increasing plant and animal biodiversity around the vineyards.

The winery is almost entirely solar sufficient while natures lawnmower – sheep, maintain weed control and reduce soil compaction, the use of tractors and diesel.

Each vintage the grape marc and stems are composted and converted into mulch and spread through the vineyards improving soil nutrient, biological health and moisture retention.

This is a winery with sustainability at its core, and importantly this does not come at a cost of compromising the wines. In fact the moisture probe system not only conserves water but also results in small berry size, more concentrated flavours and better quality wine.

So here’s your unicorn. Here’s a range of wine that delivers on quality, that delivers the bright, modern, drinkable wines millennials are looking for and a range that is only available to on-premise venues, that’s a win, win, wine.

To find out more speak with your Mezzanine TFWS representative or call customer service on 1300 555 821.

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