New bartender cocktail book spotlights American spirits

This US Independence Day, Cheers! Spirits from the USA launched its 2023 American Cocktail, which this year includes unique recipes from 23 leading Australian bartenders.

This year’s bartending cocktail contributors include Matthew Dale from Re Bar in Sydney, Corby Small from The Gresham Bar in Brisbane, Sebastian Terreux from Bank Street Social in Adelaide, Ana Marie from The 18th Amendment Bar in Melbourne and Stu Inger from Volstead Repeal in Canberra.

Charles McEntee from the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S. (DISCUS), which sponsors the ‘Cheers! Spirits from the USA’ campaign in Australia sayid: “We’ve been extremely impressed at the calibre of cocktails these Australia bartenders who are at the top of their game have created.

“Not only do the recipes reflect their extreme level of expertise, but they can also be recreated at home. We hope that adults across Australia really enjoy this 2023 American Cocktail Book.”

The cocktail recipes vary in taste and the level of complexity, but they all highlight the quality and versatility of American spirit brands including Angel’s Envy, Jack Daniels, Maker’s Mark, Old Forester, Sagamore Spirit, Wild Turkey, Westland, Westward American Single Malt Whiskey and Woodford Reserve.

Hard copies of the book will be available to view at the participating venues, or an e-version is now free to download here.

You can compare your favourite at home attempt from the cocktail book with the expertly crafted version by visiting the below bartenders at their venue:

New South Wales:

•              Matthew Dale from Re Bar (NSW)

•              Lachlan Hill from Stitch Bar (NSW)

•              Daniela Barboglio from The Burdekin Hotel (NSW)

•              Evan Brown from The Grounds of Alexandria (NSW)

•              Felicity Eshman from Shady Pines (NSW)

•              Aman Karmacharya from Palazzo Salato by Love Tilly Devine (NSW)

•              Judith Zhu from Doorknock (NSW)

•              Jaime Evans from The Peakhurt (NSW)

•              Ben Copas from The Potting Shed (NSW)

•              Naomi Dorrell from The Burdekin Hotel (NSW)

•              Damian Blair from North Annandale Hotel (NSW)

•              Raphael Redant from Hickson House Distilling Co. (NSW)

•              Tom Joseph from The Duke of Clarence (NSW)

•              London Purvis from The Doss House         (NSW)

•              Jay Cozma from The Baxter Inn (NSW)

•              Alexander Thorn from Frank Macs (NSW)


•              Rory Hutchinson from Beneath Drivers Lane (VIC)

•              Yao Wong from The Elysian Whisky Bar (VIC)

•              Ana Marie from The 18th Amendment Bar (VIC)

•              Andy Chu from One or Two (VIC)

Australian Capital Territory:

•              Stu Inger from Volstead Repeal (ACT)


•              Corby Small from The Gresham (QLD)

South Australia:

•              Sebastian Terreux from Bank Street Social (SA)

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