Merivale denies claims staff party cancelled

Image: Merivale team members celebrate ALIA award win for Hotel Group Operator Of The Year, October 2017.

Media reports today claim a Merivale staff party due in the next few weeks has been cancelled, alleging the cancellation is in punishment for this week’s other legal developments.

However a spokesperson for Merivale was happy to set the record straight, confirming the reports are simply the result of a misunderstanding.

“There was never a staff party scheduled for next week,” said Merivale’s spokesperson. “Previously, we have held two staff events throughout the year – a staff party in January/February and The Merivales (Staff Awards) in August.

“We now have individual Christmas celebrations, as the venues do anyway and always have, multiple functions throughout the year and the always-anticipated big end of financial year celebration party, The Merivales.

“Being in the hospitality business we know keeping things fresh is the key to keeping things fun. Our staff are always front and centre in everything we do”.

The latest misunderstanding comes hot on the heels of a busy week for Justin Hemmes’ Merivale Group – following the Fair Work Commission’s decision over staff agreements last Monday and lawyers for former staff subsequently revealing a class action claim for up to $25m in staff underpayment.

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