Part Time Rangers (PTR) has partnered with the Conservation Council of WA to launch a paid scholarship that will give one Aussie the chance to help protect the endangered Little Penguin.
This initiative has been devised in conjunction with the release of a new PTR flavour – Peach Penguin. A portion of the proceeds of each can sold will go to support conservation efforts Penguin Island, home of the Little Penguin.
Ashleigh Wheeler, PTR Brand Manager expressed her delight at the launch of a new flavour to help support Australian wildlife.
“Part Time Rangers drinks are not only delicious, they also support wildlife conservation efforts around the world. We’re excited to take the launch of Peach Penguin to the next level by giving one lucky Aussie Ranger the chance to become a Part Time Ranger, to help to save and protect Australia’s Little Penguin.”
The scholarship includes return flights to Penguin Island, accommodation and $2,000 in prize money. Once at Penguin Island, the winner will be mentored by conservation biologist, Dr Erin Clitheroe, PhD. Here, the ‘scholar-sipper’ will help to test new, lower temperature nest boxes that can cool penguins on hotter days, and monitor the penguins alongside Dr Clitheroe.
Dr Clitheroe commented on the scholarship, and the work that PTR are doing.
“Australia’s Little Penguin is a national treasure, but populations are in decline and this bird could soon face extinction if we don’t act and provide solutions. The Part Time Ranger Scholarship is an opportunity to see the science first hand while helping support and promote wider conservation efforts to save this beautiful Aussie bird.”
Since 2007, Little Penguins have seen an 80 per cent decline in population, driven by increasing air and ocean temperatures. While PTR highlights research that shows that 52 per cent of young Aussies are passionate about animal welfare, and three-in-five are concerned about endangered Australian species, only five per cent are aware of the plight of the Little Penguin.
It is hoped that the scholarship will help to protect the Little Penguin for future generations.
To launch the new flavour, PTR took over Manly Wharf Bar, offering temporary penguin tattoos and Little Penguin-themed trivia. This ran into a party hosted with cultural agency, Life Without Andy, which saw live DJ sets from Lucy Lucy and Tori Levett. See some photos from the launch below.

The new Peach Penguin flavour is available to the on-premise nationwide.
Applications for the Part Time Ranger Scholarship open on National Penguin Awareness Day, Friday 20 January and will run until Monday 20 February. Visit the Part Time Rangers website here to enter.