103/53-61 Crown St
Wollongong NSW 2500

Good Times Only x Spirits Platform x International Women ’s Day 2021
The Good Times Only Group along with support from Spirits Plat form are proud to welcome some o f our hospitality industries finest to take over the Howlin Wolf in Wollongong for a huge International Women s Day event.
Monday, March 8 sees Atlanta Pahulu (Bulletin Place) Place), Alex Dahlenburg (Mjolner), Lucy Pallet-Jones (Silk and Grit) & Zoe Hookway (Four Pillars Lab) join GTO s Krips Long (Howlin Wolf), Amy Thompson (Dagwood Bar + Kitchen) and the Boss Babe Crew (Good Times Only Group) for an epic regional takeover.
Various proceeds from the event are being donated to UN Women. Good Times Only is releasing a limited edition IWD21 Shirt (design by Mint Illustrations), with all profits from the shirt sales also going to UN Women.