Australian Distillers outline conditions to thrive

Australian Distillers conditions thrive

The Australian Distillers Association’s President, Holly Klintworth, has written an update to members, which outlines what they can look forward to in 2025, and the conditions that will help Australia’s spirits industry to thrive.

Last week Australian Distillers called on the Federal Government to support the spirits industry in the same way that it does the country’s wine industry to help realise the $1bn export potential for Australian spirits, noting the impact of high spirits excise on realising this ambition.

In her update, Klintworth said: “As we look to the future, we will continue to advocate for conditions that allow our Australian spirits industry to thrive. This includes our latest campaign for a Spirits Export Accelerator Strategy that will provide both incentives and support to bolster the spirits industry’s international competitiveness and create the conditions for a thriving export industry worth $1 billion within the next decade.

“This will encourage small distilleries to grow beyond the remission threshold and further support medium and large distilleries in their growth aspirations. We know that with targeted and coordinated support, we can provide the conditions for all Australian distillers to grow and thrive, whether they export or not.

“When the Australian Government supported the wine industry a generation ago, it transformed the industry for growth, and we know the same can be done for spirits. We just need a willing and informed partner in the Federal Government to make sensible changes to unleash our potential.

“A vibrant and productive spirits industry can promote growth in domestic manufacturing, while increasing trade and employment, supporting innovation and technology, helping the growth of regional industry, all while showcasing the very best of Australian spirits to the world.

“The Federal Government can play a pivotal role in catalysing the growth of the industry, in support of many of its own priorities – such as growing manufacturing and regional jobs.”

This year the Australian Distillers Association celebrates its 21st birthday, and Klintworth said the association’s ‘coming of age’ will be an opportunity for members to enhance their engagement with the association.

“We have reconfigured the Project Groups to encourage a focus and genuine member engagement with topics that are crucial to building a sustainable future for our industry,” Klintworth said.

Those Project Groups are: Technical Stands; Safety; Sustainability; and Training & Education, and members can find out more through the Australian Distillers website.

Klintworth also highlighted the development of a “fit-for-purpose safety course”, which is ‘the Introduction to Distillery Safety’.

Klintworth said: “This course is a game-changer for Australian distillers. It is offered at an affordable and accessible rate, so every distiller in the country can benefit from doing the course.”

The 2025 Australian Distillers Association conference takes place at The Star, Broadbeach Island, Broadbeach, from Monday, 31 March to Wednesday, 2 April, with early bird tickets priced at $600. Full details on the conference program, accommodation and trade show are available on the Australian Distillers website.

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